Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Office Olympics - July 16th and 17th

Office Olympics are back! Every time we do this activity, it is such a hit! Our employees had a blast, and almost everyone got a medal! We broke it up into 2 days, with 3 challenges on the first day and 2 on the last day.

The first challenge was Trashcan Basketball. There were three trashcans. Each team was timed on how fast AND how accurately they could shoot 10 pieces of paper into the trashcans. One person crumpled up the paper and the other one shot. After 5 shots, they would switch. the first trashcan was 1 point, the second was 3 points, and the farthest one was 5 points.

BreaAnna killed it with her mad shooting skills!

Second challenge: Rubber band Archery
There were 5 cups at one end of the table. At the other end are the players, along with a bag of rubber bands. They were timed to see who could shoot down all 5 cups the quickest. 

Third Challenge: Speed Relay
There were 6 small tasks laid out along the big ping pong table. The teammates had to switch off. One person did the first task, the other person did the second one, and so on.
First task: hook together 5 paperclips
Second: spell "HELLO" on the calculator
Third: using the stapler, put 10 staples into the stack of paper
Fourth: using the stapler remover, remove those 10 staples
Fifth: using the dry erase board, draw the three office items listed on the post it (the items changed, but they were things like chair, stapler, tape, paperclip, keyboard, mouse, pen, etc)
Sixth: find the 5 office items (listed on the post it) and push pin them to the cork board.

Fourth Challenge: Finger Skating
This was not just a typical typing test. It was an intense game of typing and spinning! They had to type a passage, then do a spinning exercise, then type another passage, then spinning exercise, and so on! Each teammate switched off typing and spinning.
The order went something like this:
Type a paragraph
Run around the figure 8 twice
type a paragraph
spin in a circle 10 times
type a paragraph
spin your teammate in the chair 10 times, then stand up and both teammates spin in a circle 10 more times
type a paragraph
run along the taped design IN SYNC with your partner on the other side. (run to the end and back)

The last challenge was Desk Chair Soccer!
This one was probably the most fun to watch. We started out with two teams (two players each team). So there were 4 people competing against each other. we set out cones and gave them a soccer ball. We gave them one minute to make as many goals as they could. Then we took out two teammates and just did one on one for one minute. then we switched and had the other two compete for one minute. This mixed it up so there was a fair chance to make a goal. We did this for the other sets of teams, and came up with a first, second, and third place winner for the goals made.

We chose a first, second, and third place winner for each of the challenges. We made them medals, and gave them candy (twix for first place Gold, York peppermint patties for second place silver, and caramel Hershey kisses for third place bronze)
These four awesome champions were the winners of the most Gold medals (but Katie failed and deleted the picture of all of them with their medals)

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