Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Capture the Flag & Craft Day

Capture The Flag

On July 3rd, we played an epic game of Team Capture the Flag! We gave everyone mini flags with their team name. (we had intentions to make them all USA flags, for the holiday, but didn't have enough. So we used all different countries and just pretended they represented USA :) ) Our employees went crazy over this game! You don't realize how competitive we all are until you give us a game of Capture the Flag! People were running all over the place, stealing flags, getting tagged, and being chased. It was a blast! The IT team was holding quite a few flags hostage up until the end of the game. But our Yellow #3 team ended up winning the game with 6 flags! It was a close game!

Craft Day

Our Craft day was last week. We made desk name tags! People move around so much here, and since most of us are tied on phones most of the day, it's hard to get to know everyone. So with these name tags, it will be easier for people to know who is who! Check out a few of the cute ones our employees created :)

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