Monday, July 6, 2015

Davinci Launch Party Week - June 15th-19th

WOW I am way behind on posting. I apologize! It's been crazy lately. I was out for Jury duty during our BUSIEST week (poor Katie!) But we had a TON of fun things going on! Davinci just launched their brand new website (go take a look! --> ) and we got a whole new branding look for the company. New colors, new logos, new pictures, new traits, new look,  new new new :) We are constantly growing and improving. It's awesome!

One of the new changes involves 5 new traits that our employees strive to live by each and every day. These traits (also known as our branding words) are ALIVE, BOLD, COMPASSIONATE, DRIVEN, and FRESH. We want everyone we interact with throughout the day to see that we are all of these things. We stay alive when talking to our clients or customers. We are bold when it comes to closing the sale, explaining our products, and learning new ways to improve our work. We are compassionate to everyone, especially with those not-so-happy callers :) We are driven to succeed and do better. We keep things fresh, constantly thinking of new ways to make our company the best!

During our Launch Party Week, each day had a trait as the theme.

Monday - ALIVE

 We started out the week with an ALIVE breakfast (bagels, yum!).

 Then our employees took the Davinci Pledge. They pledged to live by the traits every day, then signed with their hand print to make it official! :)

Our employees got in the spirit, and wore ALIVE blue! 


 Our employees got to take a personality quiz to see which trait they are most like. Then they got a bracelet with the color of that trait. We also had some compassionate "challenges" they could do throughout the day that involved helping out their teammate, being nice to a stranger, etc. 
They also decked out in Compassionate yellow :)

Wednesday - FRESH

We had a fun mixer party to stay fresh! We made delicious mocktails, and played personality pong!

Thursday - Bold and Driven

 We had a fun DRIVEN relay race challenge, and a BOLD daring challenge. For the Driven relay, there were 5 stops around the office that they had to use the office scooter to go to each one and complete the small task. The Driven challenge was a one on one game. Each person had to do a task quickly, and the person to do it the slowest got sprayed in the face with water :)

Friday - Alive, Bold, Compassionate, Driven, & Fresh

We had cake to celebrate the last day of Launch week. We also had a desk decorating competition (everyone here LOVES those kind of competitions). We had a personality photo booth too, pictures to come. And a yummy potluck!

Employee Recognition Program

We also started a new program to recognize when our employees live by the traits. Anyone can nominate someone when they see them really practicing one (or all) of the traits. Once someone gets 10 nominations for one trait, they get a pin! Once they get all 5 pins, they become part of the Davinci Elite. We have such amazing employees, and everyone deserves to get recognized for their hard work :)

We also had a T shirt design competition. This is how the winning design turned out :)

With this on the back 

We are excited to see what is next for Davinci! We love our new look, and our new traits. We are always coming up with new ideas. Our culture book will be out soon, so I'll try to post that once it's ready. We also have Davinci Swag coming soon too. Stay tuned!

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