Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Bake Sale - July 23rd

Davinci held a Bake Sale to help raise money for the Charity we are supporting this month. But this month, instead of choosing a local charity, we decided to help out a family in need. One of our employees is friends with a family that had twin premature baby boys. They are in the hospital and are barely hanging on. We raised over $450 just at our Bake Sale and, along with the other $400+ donations from our employees, anonymously donated it all to the family.

Despite the SUPER windy weather, we had a great turnout! (but of course, we didn't do very well at taking more pictures.....) This picture of Katie is during mid-set up. We actually had a LOT more bake sale items that all of our employees made. And they were all super delicious!

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