Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hawaiian Hay Day - August 20th

We had a fun Hawaiian themed day in the office on Thursday! Our employees got to enjoy some delicious Hawaiian Haystacks and yummy Tropical juice!

Oddly enough, a lot of people didn't know what Hawaiian Haystacks were. They may be a Utah thing, or even a Utah Mormon Thing. But regardless, everyone loved them!

In case you don't know, Hawaiian haystacks are made with rice, some kind of chicken gravy, and toppings like pineapple, cheese, olives, tomatoes, etc. For ours, we cooked up some delicious white rice. Then threw some Cream of Chicken soup and canned chicken breast in a crockpot for a couple hours. Our toppings included: pineapple, tomatoes, olives, shredded cheese, green onions, and crispy chow mein noodles. Katie and I made each employee their very own customized Haystack, and they sure were a hit!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Davinci University - Lunch and Learn - July 29th

Instead of holding our Davinci University classes after work, we thought we would get a better turn out by having them during the day! Our employees could stop by on their lunch and attend one of the 20 minute classes. This month, the classes were on using Microsoft Excel. Our HR manager Katie taught the class, since she is experienced in Excel. We had a great turn out!

Movie and Pajama Day - July 24th

July 24th is a Utah holiday, so since we still have to come to work, we got to wear pajamas! So we also decided to have a Movie day so we could have a relaxing Friday :)

We kept the cotton candy machine an extra day (after the BBQ) and made Cotton Candy and Popcorn for everyone! they got to hang out in the cafe and watch some cool movies! Yay for having fun at work!

Bake Sale - July 23rd

Davinci held a Bake Sale to help raise money for the Charity we are supporting this month. But this month, instead of choosing a local charity, we decided to help out a family in need. One of our employees is friends with a family that had twin premature baby boys. They are in the hospital and are barely hanging on. We raised over $450 just at our Bake Sale and, along with the other $400+ donations from our employees, anonymously donated it all to the family.

Despite the SUPER windy weather, we had a great turnout! (but of course, we didn't do very well at taking more pictures.....) This picture of Katie is during mid-set up. We actually had a LOT more bake sale items that all of our employees made. And they were all super delicious!

Davinci Annual BBQ - July 22nd

This is one of Davinci's biggest events of the year. We always have a big company BBQ at Sugarhouse Park. Every year we have different games and activities. This year, we had giant bubble balls, a pie eating contest (that turned into a pie fight), giant Jenga, a cotton candy machine, volleyball and badminton, and catered food from Sugarhouse BBQ!

Mary was the pie eating contest champion!