Wednesday, March 18, 2015

St. Patty's Day Scavenger Hunt - March 11th

To get our employees excited for the upcoming holiday, we put together a little scavenger hunt! We had used an old scavenger hunt from a few years ago (back when we had time to actually put a very DETAILED hunt together). We tweaked a few things and Viola! It was a huge hit! The second it began, people were running all over the place trying to find the field of magical clovers, Lake Lochness, and a see-through Unicorn!

Here are all of the clues 

We started out by giving them a map and the first clue (first two paragraphs) 

Here is the very long document with the Seeing Double Game, the pictures of the black mountains, the mysterious maze, the banshee forest, the keys, etc (basically everything else you might need)

One of the activities calls for the black mountain math. I didn't the updated version, I just have the version from years ago
This year, I just shortened it to only 6 simple math questions, and had each one say up or down. Then gave them a sheet with each level of our building (level 5, 4, 3, 2, M, P2, P3, P4). The math questions took them to P4 where they found Fools Gold. Which then said to come to my desk (where I have all of the real prizes). We bought a bunch of yellow and gold treats like cheesy pringles, orange juice boxes, white grape juice, bananas, wheat thins and a wedge of cheese, peanut granola bars, butterfinger candy, twinkies, fruit snacks, milk duds, golden gummy bears, golden oreos, tortilla chips and salsa, etc. 

This was such a fun activity for our employees to do on their breaks or lunches. They sent different teammates to work on it throughout the day and each team that played, got a prize!

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