Monday, March 23, 2015

First Day of Spring - March 20th

Friday was the most beautiful and perfect day to celebrate Spring! We fired up the grill and made some delicious hot dogs! With cookies, chips, and Capri Suns, our day was complete! Our employees got to enjoy their lunch breaks outside under the sun :)

Have a Laugh! - March 19th

March 19th is National Laugh Day :) I sent out an email and got everyone's favorite funny picture or meme. I compiled them into one email and sent it out to everyone so we could all have a good laugh!

This is what our employees sent in :)

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pi Day - March 13th, St. Patty's Day - March 17th

We celebrated Pi day one day early because we wanted an excuse to eat pie at work! (not that WE need an excuse). I've been REALLY bad about taking pictures lately so I don't have any pictures of this activity (SORRY!). But we got a bunch of different pies from the store and everyone got a slice. YUM!

For St. Patrick's Day, we had a few fun things going on in our cafe :) We had lucky charms cereal, Irish "beer" floats (cream soda and root beer with ice cream) and a fun Getting To Know You Bingo!