Friday, September 11, 2015

September Culture Calendar

September 4th: "Goodbye Summer" BBQ - We pulled out the grill one last time this year before it gets cold, and grilled up some hot dogs. We spent the day outside in the sun, eating, mingling, and hoping Summer will last a few more weeks!

September 10th: Pet Rocks - For our craft day, we made pet rocks! Since we can't have real pets in the office, why not make our own?

September 12th: Community Event (not pictured) - We are supporting a great charity this month, and we are walking a 5K to help support them as well! More details to come on a later post.

September 14th: Cake Day - Every month we have Cake Day to celebrate the birthdays that month. We try to switch it up and have a different dessert each time. This month, we are actually going to have cake though!

September 25th: Veggies Gone Wild - This is a fun office game that we will play throughout the day. Each team gets pretty competitive when we have games like this. Tune in to see who wins!

September 30th: Lunch and Learn - These are monthly now, they are short 20 minute classes held during the lunch hours.

Month Long: Awesome Autumn Tree - All month long our employees can earn leaves from our Awesome Autumn Tree. They earn these by going above and beyond in their normal work routine. More details in a post to come.

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