Friday, February 27, 2015

Mini Me's - February 25th

On Wednesday, we had a fun activity/contest for our employees. We made Mini Me's! Each person was given a brown paper sack and we set out a bunch of random decorating items like paper, ribbon, paint, felt, and yarn and they got VERY creative :) Check it out!

This was the awesome prize for the winner. A giant Raphael Pez! (Katie is just presenting it, she didn't win ;D )

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

CRAFT DAY! - February 18th

Last week, we had a SUPER fun craft day. Everyone provided their own Mason jars, and we provided all sorts of things to decorate them with!

Items included:
Scrapbook Paper
Mod Podge
Food Coloring (used with the mod podge)
Painters tape (for designs)
Mod Podge finishing spray

We found quite a few different ideas on Pinterest of how to decorate Mason Jars. Instead of just sticking to one method, we let everyone choose :)

 This one was done with a thin amount of mod podge painted on the INSIDE and then glitter dumped in. Then she painted the bottom a mint green color. She hot glued some hemp around the lid and viola!

This one is done in a similar way. Mod Podge on the inside, then glitter dumped in. But you have to be careful with this method. Another girl dumped in the mod podge, moved the jar around so it covered every inch, and then put the glitter in. It took FOREVER to dry, because the mod podge was so thick. The glitter looked cute on the inside, but the outside stayed white. Just make sure you use a paint brush on the inside and PAINT a thin layer of mod podge. Then the glitter will show on the outside :)

Jocelyn painted teal stripes on the outside (using masking tape to make the lines [somewhat] straight) then painted the inside yellow. She painted the lid rim yellow as well, the top teal, and used mod podge and glitter to make her J. She finished it off with some hemp and ribbon :)

These were done by putting mint colored paint on the inside. They put some paint in the bottom, swirled it around, then put the jars upside down so the paint drained. They finished them off with some glitter embellishments and a glitter covered lid

This one was super simple and only took a few minutes. Emily used a small paint brush to put pink and silver polka dots on the outside. she then painted a very thin layer of mod podge on the bottom, and sprinkled some glitter on it. It was finished off with some hemp (hot glued around the rim) and tied in a bow :)

This one is mine! I started by taping around the jar and painted the top half a mint color. when it was completely dry, I painted a thin layer of mod podge along the bottom edge, covering the whole bottom half. Then dumped glitter on it (over a plate, to catch the excess). I painted the lid pink and let that dry. Then sprayed the whole thing with a Mod Podge finish coat (found in a can for about $5. It has a VERY strong smell, so I sprayed it outside).

These ones are my favorite :) (well, the purple one is. The red one was just a test run). In a bowl, we mixed a good amount of mod podge with quite a few drops of food coloring. We then poured it into the jar and moved the jar around so every inch was covered. We set it upside down on a paper plate and let it drain and dry. It took a good 24+ hours to fully dry. The more drops of food coloring, the darker the color. With the purple one, it was a light lavender color until it was completely dry. The red one was pink. So you don't need as much dye as you would think.

These are just a few of the amazing jars that our employees came up with! I hope these tips are helpful, if you ever want to make your own :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Valentine's Day Party - February 13th

February 13th was filled with lots of fun VALENTINE things! :)

We had a "brew your own love potion" station. We had things like cherry 7up, pink lemonade, different nectar juices, powder mixes, strawberries, raspberries, and cherries and gave them silly names! So no one knew what they were putting in to their potion. They just picked a few from the list and we topped it off with a little LOVE MAGIC (aka dry ice) and viola! Yummy love potions!

You could also write a "Love" letter to someone

Cookie decorating was a must have

We also had a fun photo booth! These are just a FEW of the fun snapshots :)

We also held a Team Valentines Box Competition! It was definitely a hard one to judge, we had so many AMAZING boxes!

(This one actually plays music!)

Though it was hard to judge, we did have one winner!
Yellow Team #3 won with their AMAZING pinata unicorn, Paco! :)

Needless to say, it was a very fun-filled day :)