Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Silent Auction - Wounded Warrior Project - November 6th

Davinci loves supporting the Wounded Warrior project every year. This year we had a very successful Silent Auction! We raised $750 from the baskets that our employees donated, and an additional $350 in donations from all of our employees, making it a total of $1,100 for the Wounded Warriors!

In case you are wondering how we did it:
Our employees got together with their teammates and put together different themed baskets. Some great ones this year were "Netflix and Chill" "Made for Two, Date Night" "Margaritaville" "PMS" "Wine and Dine" and so much more! Everyone pitched in to buy items for their baskets, then they wrapped them all up and we set them up in our lobby. Then we opened it up to everyone to place bids. We held the auction from 10am to 1pm, to give everyone enough time. Then at 1pm exactly, I collected the bidding sheets and let everyone know of the winners! Our employees were so excited! We love hosting this event every year, it's always such a hit!