Friday, June 5, 2015

Ice Cream Man - June 4th

Everyone loves a good ice cream bar! The two fairies drove their "ice cream truck" around the office and handed out free ice cream bars! YUM!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June Culture Calendar

Where's Waldo? - June 2nd

We hid MINI Waldo characters all over the office for people to find! Each one had a random number and/or letter combination that they had to write down for each one they found. We had a few participants, but one winner did come out strong! Congrats Laurie Weight :)

Chocolate Chip Cookie BAKE OFF MADNESS

We held a Chocolate Chip Cookie Bake Off in honor of National Chocolate Chip Day. Jeff surprised us all with his MAD baking skills and WON! Who knew he could bake? ;)